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Postby WithAttitude » 28 Jun 2007, 14:51:08

ManoRevolver wrote:Jezus, wat een anti-climax in dit topic.
Waar is WithAttitude?
Wordt net wakker, maar heb eigenlijk niets te zeggen verder. Sorry, volgende keer beter. :)
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Postby markdegeweldenaar » 30 Jun 2007, 08:42:52

http://forums.somethingawful.com/showth ... id=2536975

Hier nog wat meer toelichting:
Apparently, this happened right near my office. As far as I can tell from what I've seen, these kids were skateboarding on the sidewalk downtown, which is against a city ordinance because that's where most our foot traffic is and we don't want people running into eachother because they want to ride skateboards. We don't even allow bikes on our sidewalks. We actually have (had, I know we did and I doubt they've taken a giant bunch of concrete down) with rails and ramps and things just for skateboarders. Anyways, the cop told them they were not allowed to skate there, they didn't listen, and even ran from him when he told them he would have to place them under arrest because they did not comply. That's when one of the kids tried to run, he stopped him, and the video starts around there.
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